Sunday 9 March 2014

Easy Peasy Purple Broccoli Gratin

A.What was the recipe you chose and why?
Easy Peasy Purple Broccoli Gratin. I have chosen this recipe, because it contains rather disliked vegetables by children at the age given age, in order to represent it more appealing to this audience.   

B. Where did you buy your ingredients, how much did they cost, what is the country of origin of your ingredients?
Most of the ingredients were bought in Worcester, high street food market, though bread and anchovy fillets were bought in Asda, due to the fact that the food market did not sell these kind of products. Most of the ingredients' origins were England, though some of them were from Spain. The ingredients bought were not that much costly than the products from a supermarket.   

C. Depending on which dish you choose to demo, it may be designed for
one or more people. Try to guess at how much it cost per plate of food served.
The dish would probably be for two people, and one serve would cost around £3.

D. Roughly how long did it take for you to make? Do you think if you
attempted it again that it would take you as long?
It is indeed very easy to make and remember this dish: it took me ~25min, though if needed to make it again, it would take me a bit less.

E. If there were improvements to your recipe you’d thought of during
your experiences then what would these be? Remember that you aren’t
the audience though when you do this..
The only two things that I would change, would be: adding red leicester cheese on top of the gratin, letting it grill for as long as its golden and creamy; and putting less salt, because of the fact that anchovies are already quite salty. 

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